Tourism Info Nepal

Bird Watching Program to Highlight 9th Mountain Festival

Bird Watching Program to Highlight 9th Mountain Festival

The 9th Mountain Festival, a celebration of Nepal’s rich cultural and natural heritage, will feature an exciting bird watching event organized by the Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA) in coordination with the Bird Conservation Nepal (BCN). The bird watching sessions will take place at the International Mountain Museum (IMM) on December 9th and 11th, from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM.

This event offers a unique opportunity for nature enthusiasts to explore the diverse avian life around the museum premises. Participants can register in advance by visiting the IMM office, calling 9856023939, or contacting the BCN stall. For further details, interested individuals can also reach out to 9745937775. This bird watching program promises to be a memorable experience, adding an exciting nature-focused element to the festival.

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