Tourism Info Nepal

Lumbini Chief Minister’s China Visit Boosts Investment and Tourism Ties

Lumbini Chief Minister’s China Visit Boosts Investment and Tourism Ties

Lumbini Province Chief Minister Chet Narayan Acharya has returned to Nepal after a four-day official visit to China’s Sichuan Province, where he participated in an international conference hosted by the Sichuan Provincial Government. Chief Minister Acharya, who departed on Kartik 26, highlighted the achievements of his visit, emphasizing the potential impact on Lumbini’s development and investment climate.

During the visit, Deputy Director Pang Wang Liang of Sichuan’s Foreign Affairs Office bid farewell to the Nepali delegation at Tianfu Airport. Chief Minister Acharya stated that he successfully advocated for development agendas crucial to Lumbini’s growth, focusing on attracting foreign investors and creating an environment for sustainable investment.

“This conference provided a platform to present our future development plans and draw attention to Lumbini as an investment-friendly destination,” Chief Minister Acharya remarked. He noted that the visit rekindled the sister-state relationship between Lumbini and Sichuan, laying the groundwork for tourism-friendly infrastructure projects and new collaborations between municipalities in Lumbini and the Chinese city of Deyang.

In addition to promoting Lumbini as an attractive destination for foreign investment, Chief Minister Acharya discussed ambitious initiatives, including linking Nawalparasi West and Kapilvastu districts to the Buddha Circuit and exploring monorail connectivity. The proposals also include building a tunnel road to connect Lumbini with Rapti Deukhuri, the provincial capital, and advancing tourism infrastructure along the Buddha Circuit.

Moreover, Chief Minister Acharya underscored his government’s commitment to providing technical assistance, establishing the Lumbini Technical University with Chinese expertise, supporting skill-building for local farmers and livestock keepers, and enhancing marketing for local agricultural products and herbs. Discussions also covered tourism management, guide training, and language support to elevate Lumbini’s attractiveness to international visitors.

The Chief Minister was joined by Economic Affairs and Planning Minister Dhanendra Karki, Chief Secretary Mahadev Panth, and other officials in the delegation. The sister-state relationship between Lumbini and Sichuan formalized in 2076 B.S., has fostered cooperation across agriculture, industry, and tourism, with plans for continued exchanges and development in these sectors.

Source: RSS

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