Tourism Info Nepal

Westerly Winds Influence Nepal’s Weather; Precautions Advised for Thick Fog in Terai and Valley

Westerly Winds Influence Nepal’s Weather; Precautions Advised for Thick Fog in Terai and Valley

The Department of Hydrology and Meteorology has reported the influence of westerly winds across the country, resulting in partly cloudy weather conditions nationwide.

Several parts of the Terai region are currently experiencing thick fog, affecting visibility and potentially disrupting daily activities. The weather is expected to remain mainly fair in the afternoon and nighttime throughout the country. However, thick fog is forecasted for many areas in the Terai and the Valley on Monday morning.

Authorities have urged all concerned sectors to take necessary precautions as the fog may impact daily life, transport services, and flights for a few hours.

Meanwhile, residents of the Kathmandu Valley are enjoying relatively warmer weather compared to Saturday, which recorded the coldest temperature of the year at 2°C. This morning, the temperature rose to 4.5°C. The Department has forecasted the maximum temperature in the Valley to range between 16°C and 18°C today.

Stay updated and take necessary measures to mitigate the impacts of fog on transportation and outdoor activities.

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